Courtney Hart, GIS Analyst, Idea Integration, consultant to SJRWMD
Using hyperspectral imagery to detect submerged aquatic vegetation in the St. Johns River
Ron Chandler, Associate in Research, Environmental Scientist, The Water Atlas, USF
Resolving sustainability at the lot, block and neighborhood level
Joe Stewart, PE, Engineer Scientist, St. John’s River Water Management District
Hydraulic and hydrodynamic characteristics of the Middle St Johns River, Florida
Matthew Cohen, Assistant Professor, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF
Ecohydrology of self-organized patterned landscapes in the Everglades
Debra Childs Woithe, Consulting Environmental Scientist, Debra Childs Woithe, Inc.
Habitat monitoring and performance measures: development of a statewide habitat reporting system for 6 priority habitats (springs, softwater streams, seagrass, coral, sandhill and scrub)
Students may register for 1 hour credit under SWS 4932/section 7076, SWS 6932/section 1506 or ENV 6935 (call 392-0842 for section #).