Water, Wetlands & Watersheds Seminar

Spring 2012 Schedule

Wednesdays 11:45 – 12:35 pm, Phelps Lab Seminar Room
Public is welcome & Students may register for 1 credit: SOS 6932

11Kelly Reiss, Research Scientist, H.T. Odum Center for Wetlands, UFUsing Emergy Synthesis in Land Management Applications: Florida Mitigation Banking and Other Cases
18Jennison Kipp, Resource Economist Program for Resource Efficient Communities, UFEnergy and Carbon Costs of Water Supply: A Tampa Bay Water Case Study
25Mark Brown, Professor, Environmental Engineering Sciences, UFEmergy Values of Marine Ecosystems:  Environmental Accounting for Recovery of Ecosystem Values after Disasters
1Christine Angelini, Ph,D, candidate, Department of Biology, UFMultiple Stressors and the Resilience of Salt Marshes
8Robert Ries, Assoc. Professor, College of Design, Construction and Planning, UFLife Cycle Impact Assessment for Built Environment Water Use
15Water Institute SymposiumNo seminar due to the Symposium
22Pam Bowen, Environmental Scientist, St. Johns River Water Management DistrictThe Mercury Cycle: an Overview of Mercury Research Related to the Florida Everglades and Freshwater Marshes
29Glenn Morris , Director, Emerging Pathogens Institute, Professor of Medicine, UFThe Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Looking at Human Health and Community Impacts
14Heidi Horak, Esq. , Graduate student, Levin College of Law, UFImproving Stormwater Regulations by Design (no audio)
21Brad Jones, Senior Env. Scientist, S. FL Water Management DistrictRestoring Ecological Integrity to the Kissimmee River: Progress and Success
28Jim Jawitz, Professor, Environmental Hydrology, Soil and Water Sciences, UFStationarity and Inequality in Catchment Discharge and Solute Export, from the Mississippi to the Kissimmee
4Damian Adams, Assistant Professor, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UFAssessing the Receptivity Model for Residential Water Conservation Adoption
11Jeffrey Ullman, Asst. Professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, UFCoexistence of Agriculture and Fisheries in the Pacific Northwest
18Dina Liebowitz, Ph.D. candidate, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UFExploring Alternatives: Experimental Evidence of Grazer Control of Algae Blooms in Ichetucknee Springs