Howard T. Odum Center for Wetlands

Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering

50 Years of Wetland Wisdom

There was a radical coevolution of science, policy and industry in 1973, the year the Center for Wetlands was founded by H.T. Odum. What began as a project to assess the use of wetlands in recycling wastewater has evolved into a spearhead for synthesizing wetland science, engineering and policy. 

This fall, the Center for Wetlands will be celebrating its 50th anniversary by commemorating the legacy of Howard T. Odum, highlighting esteemed alumni and recognizing the trailblazers behind the University of Florida’s longest-running seminar. Join us on our social media platforms to stay updated on alumni spotlights and news as we celebrate this momentous milestone. 

Alumni spotlights

Dave Tilley: “The CFW Gave Me a Springboard to My Academic Career” 

Sharlynn Sweeney: “Systems Thinking Shapes My Worldview” 

Daniel McLaughlin: “The CFW Helped Shape Me as a Scientist”

Mark Brown: Unifying Research to Bolster Wetland Science

Carolyn Fonyo: “Emergy is Everything” 

B.J. Bukata: “The CFW is the Foundation for So Many Wetland Scientists’ Careers”