Dave Tilley, Ecosystems Engineering Design Lab, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, University of Maryland
Join us for the livestream November 8th, 11:45am ET: https://youtube.com/live/ptROyDQmPUk?feature=share
(Please visit our YouTube channel main page for the stream if there are any issues with the direct link.)
Join Dr. Dave Tilley as he shares a reflective 24-year journey through his contributions to ecological engineering. Committed to enhancing environmental quality and human well-being, he has navigated the diverse intersections between nature and technology. He will present research on topics ranging from the utilization of treatment wetlands in aquaculture to the energetic and ecological dynamics of green roofs and walls. Delving into emergy, environmental accounting, and ecological entrepreneurship, Dr. Tilley will provide a realistic view of achieving social impact through nature-based innovation and practices. Concluding with insights into the role of artificial intelligence in shaping a sustainable future, this lecture shares an intellectual odyssey launched from an education in systems ecology at the University of Florida.
Dr. Dave Tilley, a researcher, innovator, and educator in the Environmental Science and Technology Department at the University of Maryland, has carved a niche at the intersection of ecological engineering, environmental entrepreneurship and systems ecology. As the creator of pioneering green technologies, like the Living Umbrella and Cool Green Shelter for Bus Stops, he has successfully commercialized innovative eco-technologies through his green-venture, Living Canopies Ltd.
Dr. Tilley’s commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) is palpable through his contributions to the emerging field. He lectures on Ecological Innovation and Entrepreneurship, advocating fervently for environmental I&E and providing invaluable mentorship to students and alumni. His latest academic endeavor, a course entitled AI for the Environment, delves into the multifaceted ways that generative AI can enhance nature-based solutions and learning.
At his core, Dr. Tilley is a systems ecologist devoted to advancing the science of environmental accounting, especially emergy analysis. His academic roots were formed when he earned his Ph.D. and M.E. degrees from the University of Florida’s Environmental Engineering Sciences department and worked at the H.T. Odum Center for Wetlands.