Water, Wetlands & Watersheds Seminar
Fall 2010 Schedule
Howard T. Odum Center for Wetlands Conference Room, Phelps Lab Wednesdays 11:45 – 12:35 pm
Click on titles to watch the recorded presentations.
25 Mark Brown , Professor, Env. Eng. SciencesMark Clark , Assistant professor, Soil and Water SciencesIntroduction… food for thought
1 Andre Clewell , Ph.D., former FSU faculty, Pres. Emeritus of the Society for Ecological RestorationLessons from Howards Prairie: Watershed Degradation and Restoration Approaches 8 Roy R. “Robin” Lewis III , President, Lewis Environmental Services, Inc., Salt Springs, FLSeagrass conservation and restoration in Florida and the Caribbean Sea 15 Frank Baker, Environmental Scientist, Florida Watershed Coordinator, EPAThe watershed approach to water quality restoration – everyone is part of the problem, everyone is part of the solution (no audio)22 Robert Hensley , Ph.D. student, School of Natural Resources and Environment, UFMorphologic and vegetative controls on solute transport in Florida’s spring-fed rivers 29 Mary Paulic, Florida Department of Environmental ProtectionThe Orange Creek Basin Management Action Plan: A tool for water quality restoration
6 Maria Lucia Silveira , Asst. Professor, Soil and Water Science, UFPasture fertilization and water quality issues in South Florida 13 Bob Swett , Assoc. Professor, Forest Resources and Conservation, UFCoastal and marine spatial planning in Florida 20 Stuart Muller , Ph.D., Agricultural and Biological Engineering, UFAn adaptive spatially-distributed water-quality model for the coastal Everglades 27 Peter Sheng , Associate in Research, Environmental Scientist, The Water Atlas, USFEffect of wetlands on storm surge and waves
Students may register for 1 hour credit under SWS 4932/section 7076, SWS 6932/section 1506 .