Alumni Spotlight: B.J. Bukata

“The CFW is the foundation for so many wetland scientists’ careers”

B.J. Bukata earned his master’s degree in Wetlands Ecology from 1996 to 1999. He shares memories and takeaways from his time at the Howard T. Odum Center for Wetlands.   

Q: What is your current position and how did the CFW shape your career path?  

Bukata: I am a Senior Scientist. The Center for Wetlands was instrumental in providing me with the wetland ecology, botanical, and technical writing skills that enabled me to be successful at the start of my career.  

Q: What is your favorite memory from the CFW?  

Bukata: Long, deep, philosophical questions in the basement of the CFW while myself and colleagues were working on their masters/PhD work.  

Q: Why do you think the CFW is important?  

Bukata: It is one of the few institutions that focuses on wetland and systems ecology. It is a well-known institution and was the foundation for so many wetland scientists’ careers.